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Sunday, March 5, 2017

A Time Such As This

This is the age in which we live.

The speed and complexity of the change is unprecedented and worldwide.

In the recorded history of man we have not seen climate shifts on this scale as well as mass animal deaths + extinctions, not to mention the technological advances of our own species - just in the last decade.

Recent News Clips

Increasing hatred.
Persecution of speech and freedom of thought.
Just some highlights.
#Orwellian #crimethink #thoughtcrime #newspeak
#surveillance #EarthChanges #ExtremeWeather #AI #extinction #SignsInTheHeavens #galacticevents #MysteriousSounds #NaturalLaw #LHC #CERN #BirthPains #StandFast #HumanitarianCrisis #Wars #RumorsOfWars